FS Kunststofftechnologie DIVISION EVT SEALANTS

Sandra Kuehr
+49 (0) 22 97 91 03 0
+49 (0) 22 97 18 26


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EVT; Not Only Good, Better! Founded in 98, EVT has developed, in a short period of time, a first-class reputation in the manufacturing, production and marketing of construction sealants and adhesives. No wonder EVTs development is convincing in the eyes of sealant professionals as far as quality, user-friendliness and ease of use are concerned - day by day. Additionally we offer superb logistics and extensive technical back-up. Our sealants and adhesives are formulated taking the market and professional needs into consideration. We work closely with our customers to overcome any problems they may have. Our mission is to provide professional sealant solutions for the professional sealant market. Our product range includes silicone and acrylic sealants, pu foams and sealants, hybrids, backing materials, tapes, dispensing guns, and accessories. We hope that you will be our partner soon!

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